Category: Plastic Crack

  • This is Why Collecting Hot Toys Can Be So Addictive?

    This is Why Collecting Hot Toys Can Be So Addictive?

    Collecting Hot Toys and other high-end collectibles can become an actual addiction. The brain does not differentiate between elements but rather what happens to them on a chemical and subconscious level. Maybe if we understand addiction better, then we will understand why some collectors consider themselves addicts. Why is collecting Hot toys Collectables so addictive?…

  • Is Hot Toys Addiction a Real Thing? Investigating Plastic Crack?

    Is Hot Toys Addiction a Real Thing? Investigating Plastic Crack?

    Many collectors spend tens of thousands of dollars collecting hundreds of Hot Toys. This could cause concern, more so because of how expensive they are, that collectors are never satisfied with one, and the cost of living nowadays is not cheap. These factors are the making of a real addiction, so let’s find out if…