Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson – Quick Book Summary



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This summary provides a comprehensive and concise exploration of Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic adventure novel, Treasure Island. It delves into the intriguing plot, complex characters, significant themes, and Stevenson’s unique storytelling techniques, providing a scholarly yet easy-to-read overview of this timeless masterpiece in English literature.

“Fifteen men on the Dead Man’s Chest – Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!”

– Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson.

Book Information

Title: Treasure Island
Author: Robert Louis Stevenson
Genre: Adventure
Publication Year: 1883

Brief Overview

Treasure Island is an enthralling tale of piracy, treasure, and adventure on the high seas, featuring the young Jim Hawkins and the infamous Long John Silver.


Author’s Background

Robert Louis Stevenson was a renowned Scottish novelist, poet, and travel writer, recognized for works like Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Kidnapped.

Publication Context

When Treasure Island was published, it popularized many pirate tropes, shaping the modern image of pirates.

Character Summary

Main Characters

– Jim Hawkins: The protagonist, a young boy turned adventurer.
– Long John Silver: A complex pirate antagonist.

Character Development

Jim Hawkins matures rapidly throughout his adventure, while Long John Silver’s character blurs the line between villain and anti-hero.

Plot Summary

Overview: The novel follows Jim Hawkins’ journey from an innkeeper’s son to an adventurer hunting for a pirate’s treasure on a mysterious island.


The narrative moves from the Admiral Benbow Inn to the high seas and ultimately, the eponymous Treasure Island.

Themes and Motifs

Key Themes

The book explores themes like coming-of-age, good vs evil, and the allure and cost of greed.

Motifs and Symbols

The treasure map symbolizes desire and danger, while the ‘black spot’ serves as a death sentence among pirates.

Takeaway Morals


The novel conveys that greed leads to downfall, and bravery is an essential virtue.


The morals highlight the consequences of greed and the importance of courage, values relevant even today.


Literary Devices

Stevenson masterfully uses foreshadowing and vivid imagery to create suspense and describe settings.

Style and Tone

Stevenson’s writing style is engaging, with a tone that oscillates between suspenseful and contemplative.

Critical Reception

Initial Reception

Upon publication, Treasure Island was praised for its adventure and imaginative storytelling.

Current Standing

Treasure Island remains a cherished work, influencing the modern perception of pirates.

Personal Response

Personal Opinion

I found Treasure Island thrilling – like a roller coaster ride that also serves rum! It’s an adventure that truly stands the test of time.


I’d recommend this to anyone looking for an adventure or interested in classic literature.

About the Author


Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish novelist known for his versatile writing spanning various genres.

Literary Career

His career is marked by classics such as Treasure Island and The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

Book Details

Publication Details

Treasure Island was first published in 1883 by Cassell & Company.

Structural Details

The book has 34 chapters spread across 240 pages.



We’ve explored Treasure Island’s characters, plot, themes, and its significance in literature.

Final Thoughts

Treasure Island is a timeless adventure, rich in both excitement and moral lessons, making it a must-read classic.

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